Aye Aye Captain!

As part of their volunteering on the LEAP (Lived Experience Into Action Project), participants are able to enjoy occasional trips out to say thank you for their efforts and also develop a sense of team spirit and teamwork.

Last week, they were joined by representatives from H.O.P.E, the Good Shepherd’s Service User Forum offering people who access the charity the opportunity to give feedback and shape delivery, for a narrowboat trip on the canal.

Good Shepherd Project Worker Neil Booth said: “A narrowboat trip from the fantastic Wildside Activity Centre in Whitmore Reans was organised as both a thankyou and a celebration of the work done by both the LEAP programme and the H.O.P.E service user forum here at the Good Shepherd.

“Both of these initiatives are an integral part of our service.

“The trip took in the beautiful scenery we have in our city and moored at Wightwick for some lunch before returning to Wildside.

A memorable day was had by all who attended.”

Vacancy: Communications Officer

The Good Shepherd are recruiting for a Communications Officer, to play a key role in promoting the charity’s work and engaging a wide range of...

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