Covid-19 Update: July 2020

The Good Shepherd have issued an update regarding its services in relation to recent changes in regulations regarding the Covid-19 pandemic.

The charity is now able to offer more face-to-face support and can restart some outdoor activities but will, for the time being, continue to deliver its weekday daily food service as a takeout rather than eating in.

The Good Shepherd has also ensured it is now a Covid-19 secure workplace, indicating it is complying with ongoing government guidance regarding the pandemic.

Below is some text from a letter sent to service users by the Good Shepherd’s Head of Operations Tom Hayden, who has also made himself available to meet people to chat about how services continue to be affected and any ideas around future plans and activities.

‘Thank you for your patience over the last few months. As lockdown starts to lift we’ve been reviewing the service to make sure it’s as safe as possible and we are starting to offer more services from next week.

‘There will be more face-to-face support and we will restart some outdoor activities but the risk of reopening the dining service is still too high and we plan to continue with hot takeout meals until the risk of infection is lower. Our focus is keeping the people that come to the Good Shepherd safe.

‘I am making myself available for people who want to come and speak to me about our plans or have any ideas or suggestions on how we can do things better. You can also speak to the staff with any suggestions or ideas and they will feed this back to me.

‘When it’s safe to, we will have a group meeting where you can attend and be involved around how we develop the service over the next few months.’

Click here to view the Good Shepherd’s Covid-19 compliance certificate.

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