
Your donations are so important. With them, we can continue to offer guidance, support and vital services to people experiencing homelessness and poverty. Whether it’s a monthly donation or essential food supplies, your kindness makes a huge difference to so many lives.

We’ve made it easier to donate too. Now, there are several ways you can support the Good Shepherd.

Financial Donations

By choosing to donate, you will be helping us to support some of the most disadvantaged people in the community. A regular gift allows us to have the confidence that day in day out, our doors can be open for people experiencing homelessness and poverty

We are happy to receive cheques and cash donations. Cheques can be made payable to Good Shepherd Services.

Please contact us on: 01902 399955 to arrange to bring in your cash donations.

Donate online through or Enthuse page. We trust Enthuse to handle the processing of our online payments. You will see their name mentioned on the form and in the address bar.

Donate to Good Shepherd via the PayPal Giving Fund

You can download our Bank Mandate form to instruct your bank to make regular payments to Good Shepherd.

Use our Enthuse Page to set up a monthly, quarterly or yearly donation.

Dont forget to Gift Aid – If you are a UK Taxpayer, we could claim 25% back from the government for every pound you give, without it costing you a penny extra!

Sign up to Gift Aid and we can claim for every donation you have made in the last 4 years, now and in the future. 

Leave a Legacy Gift

By remembering us in your Will, you can help continue to grow the work of The Good Shepherd, and support those who are struggling financially and are socially excluded to get the advice support and guidance needed to improve their lives.  

Please email: [email protected] for more information.

Donate Food

To help us run our food services we always appreciate donations of the following:

  • Long Life Milk
  • Tea, coffee, sugar & hot chocolate
  • Curry sauce and pasta sauce
  • Tinned Sweetcorn
  • Tinned meats
  • Pot noodles
  • Tinned fruit, custard and desserts
  • Toiletries

Donations of food can be delivered to us Monday to Friday 9am – 11.30am or 2pm – 3pm.

Other ways to support us

Tickets selling fast for ‘Stand up for Change’ comedy night 

The Good Shepherd are linking up with the University of Wolverhampton at The Halls to put on a night of fantastic comedy to raise funds...

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