Volunteer Focus: Sylvia

Next up in the team of dedicated volunteers who support the Good Shepherd is Sylvia who talks about the ‘lovely energy’ she feels when helping the charity. Take it away, Sylvia!

What do you do at the Good Shepherd?   

I am one of the volunteers who come in on a Wednesday and I am usually giving out the meals to the service users either in the dining room or takeaways.

Why did you decide to volunteer and how long have you been volunteering?    

After I retired, I started to realise that I was really living a selfish life.  I wasn’t giving anything back.  I heard from somebody about the opportunities to volunteer at the Good Shepherd and put in an application but then Covid came.  That delayed things but when volunteers started returning, I was successful and have been coming along since March of last year.

What do you find the most fulfilling about volunteering here?   

There is a lovely energy at the Good Shepherd.  You really feel that people are cared for and that the food and money donated goes directly to those who need it.  Because of that positive energy, I actually feel like I get more back than I give when I am volunteering.

Why do you feel the work of the Good Shepherd is important in Wolverhampton?    

I think you see the impact that the Good Shepherd has.  You hear of some of the success stories of people who first arrived because they needed support and have then gone on to do really well.  Some of the other volunteers here were in that position and are now volunteering themselves, giving back.  Hearing those stories makes you see just how important the charity is and that there is a positive path for people to take.  

What is the most special memory you have experienced whilst being a volunteer here? 

There was one service user in particular who was often so upset and clearly struggling when he came to the Good Shepherd for support.  Then, one day I saw him at the bus stop nearby, and he was doing so much better.   That made me really happy and once again showed that there is a way out for people who previously might have had no hope.  

Describe the Good Shepherd in three words?    

Spiritual, energy and integrity.

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